Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Are you "Against School"?

Gatto's "Against School" sure is a diatribe against what he sees as the deadening effects of our current educational system. One of his chief complaints is that schools do not teach students to grow up. To what extent has that been true in your own experience? What other aspects of his essay had meaning or raised questions for you? Discuss.

Here's a link to an online version of the article.

Consider, for example, how news stories like this one indicate that the system is not really educating students.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

"Through Other Eyes"

Here is some background information on the cartoonist, Joe Sacco:

Joe Sacco was born in Malta and raised in Australia. He later emigrated to the United States. The subject matter of this excerpt derives from his efforts to document the lives of Palestinians.

For this blog, I'd like you to respond to TWO questions. Everyone should respond to #3, which asks you to compare and contrast with "The Socks." Then choose one of the other questions. Please be sure to answer all parts of the question fully.